REMIT Workshop - Slides and Request for Comment

The Regulatory Authorities held a public workshop to discuss REMIT, which is the EU Regulation on energy market integrity and transparency, on 8th May 2014. The workshop included a discussion of REMIT's market rules, transparency requirements and proposed data reporting regime.

Today, 13th May 2014, the Regulatory Authorities publish the slides presented at the workshop from the Regulatory Authorities, ACER, SEMO, and Gaslink, as shown below.

In addition, one particular issue raised at the workshop was whether SEMO and Gaslink could or should provide, on behalf of electricity and gas market participants respectively, a reporting service for relevant wholesale transaction data to ACER under the forthcoming REMIT transaction reporting regime.

Accordingly, as referred to at the workshop, the Regulatory Authorities invite interested parties to send any brief comments on the matter to Andrew Ebrill ( at the CER by no later than 17:00 on Friday 23rd May 2014. Specifically, we ask that parties responding indicate whether or not they wish SEMO and/or Gaslink to be in a position to provide such a service, highlighting what they consider any relevant issues. This will help inform a decision on the matter.