Publication of I-SEM High Level Design Draft Decision

The Single Electricity Market Committee is pleased to report the publication of the Draft Decision Paper on the high level design of the new wholesale electricity market, I-SEM.

This Draft Decision Paper describes the SEMC proposed decisions on:

- The features of the new Energy Trading Arrangements (ETA);

- The need for a Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) in the new market and

- The proposed type of CRM to be introduced.

It all presents a summary of the responses to the Consultation Paper on the I-SEM High Level Design (CER-14-008) followed by the reasoning behind the proposed decisions.

The Draft Decision Paper is supported by an Impact Assessment Paper which is also published.

Following a review of the responses the SEM Committee will publish its final decision on the proposals set out in this paper in early September 2014.

Alongside this Draft Decision Paper and Impact Assessment, the SEM Committee is also publishing:

- A Non-Technical Summary,

- A TSO Assessment of Generation Adequacy in an Energy-only Market

Please note that these two documents do not form part of the consultation.

The consultation will close at 17.00 on 25 July 2014.