I-SEM ETA - Balancing Market Principles Statement workshop invitation

On 26 May 2016, the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) published a consultation paper on the Balancing Market Principles Statement (BMPS) Terms of Reference.

This consultation was published in accordance with the I-SEM Energy Trading Arrangements Detailed Decision (SEM-15-065). The decision stated that to allow the ex-ante markets to resolve any energy supply/demand imbalance, the TSOs should not take any actions prior to gate closure except for reasons of system security, priority dispatch or other statutory requirements. The purpose of the BMPS document will be to provide clarity and transparency to all players in the market on how the TSOs operate the system.

The RA's are hosting a workshop on Friday 1 July 2016 at 10:30 in CER offices. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

10:30     Welcome and Introduction                                          RAs

10:40     Scheduling and Dispatch in I-SEM                             TSOs

11:20     Background and Proposed Content of BMPS           RAs

12:00     Information Provision                                                  TSOs     

12:40     Q&A

13:00     Lunch

The BMPS consultation closes on Friday 8 July. Once the consultation closes, the RAs will finalise the BMPS Terms of Reference and present these to the TSOs to develop the Principles Statement.  

To register for this workshop – please contact Kenny Dane (Kenny.dane@uregni.gov.uk) or Sheena Byrne (shbyrne@cer.ie) by Tuesday, June 28th before close of business.