Harmonised Ancillary Services (HAS) and Other System Charges (OSC) for the Tariff Year 2013-2014 Clarification note

The TSO's have identified that the rates published in table 3.1 and 3.3 in the Harmonised Ancillary Service (HAS) consultation paper (16 April 2013) and table 2.1 and 2.3 in the HAS recommendation paper (4 July 2013) were incorrect.

The HAS rates for 2012-13 as given in these tables did not include a 2% inflationary increase as was determined in the HAS decision paper for 2012-13 (SEM-12-062).  As a result the intended increase proposed for 2013-14 rates were the same as 2012-13 rates.

Please note that the correct 2012-13 HAS rates, as published in the RA decision paper, have been used in 2012-13 settlement, hence payments and charges have not been affected.

To view the clarification note, please click the link below: