CPM Medium Term Review Workpackage 6,8,9 and 10

Consultation Paper

This paper summarises the Final discussion paper on the CPM Medium Term Review, it covers the Work Packages 6 onwards of the CPM Review. The purpose of this paper is to document the work carried out by the RAs on the CPM Medium Term Review and allow comment on the work completed to date by interested parties.

This paper covers the review of the remaining work packages (6, 8, 9 and 10). This paper will investigate the following areas;

  • Treatment of Generator types in the CPM,
  • Incentives for Generators,
  • Timing and distribution of Capacity Payments,
  • Impact of the CPM on Customers

It will inter-act each work package with some of the scenarios modelled by the Poyry report. To view the papers please click on the links below: