Notice to Industry in relation to SEM-13-010 Decision on Treatment of Curtailment in tie-break situations

Date published:

The SEM Committee decided in SEM-13-010 that curtailment payments would not arise in tie-break situations from 1 January 2018 onwards.

Due to the reprofiling of the start-date of the revised SEM arrangements from 1 October 2017 to 23 May 2018, the implementation of this decision has changed from being an issue for the revised SEM arrangements to an ‘ongoing SEM’ issue, requiring a change to the current SEM systems. In light of the adoption of a maintenance-only contract for the SEMO Central Market Systems, the implementation date of the curtailment decision must also be adjusted.

The SEM Committee has decided that references to 1 January 2018 as the implementation date for the decision set out in SEM-13-010, should now be the start-date of the revised SEM arrangements, currently scheduled for 23 May 2018. The Decision paper  SEM-13-010 should be read in conjunction with this information note.