All-island Gen TUoS consult CNote

In December 2010 the SEM Committee endorsed the proposal of the TSOs to proceed with a "dynamic" forward looking locational signal model of tariffing for Generators, as outlined in "All-Island Generator Transmission Use of System Charging" decision paper (SEM/010/081). The all-island Generator TUoS charges will be levied on the basis of recovering 25% of the allowed revenue for network costs on the island (remainder is recovered from demand on a jurisdictional basis).

This consultation paper sets out some of the detailed issues required to implement the SEM Committee decision as well as other clarification areas. The paper has been formulated by the TSOs with input and advice from the RAs. It discusses and provides recommendations on a number of specific issues:

Calculation methods for All-Island Generator TUoS Tariffs; Fixed Tariff Options; Charging Interconnectors TUoS; Non Firm Generator TUoS; Charging Distribution Connected Generators TUoS - Threshold Level.

Comments to this paper, preferably in electronic form, should be forwarded no later than 5:00pm on 13th May 2011 to Jamie Burke ( & Billy Walker (