DS3 System Services Auction Design Industry Workshop

The Regulatory Authorities would like to hold an Industry workshop on April 25th in the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Dundalk to enable further Industry engagement on the DS3 System Services Auction Design. The Regulatory Authorities wish to discuss comments received from Industry on the proposed DS3 System Services Auction Design, and also provide an opportunity for Industry to present possible alternative proposals for DS3 System Services Auctions.

To ensure a productive day the Regulatory Authorities wish to limit attendance to 1-2 individuals per organisation,  requesting that participants are willing to participate in constructive discussion  and (similar to ISEM working group rules) are expected to have the ability to provide an agreed or unified organisation position if required. It is proposed to offer time in the agenda to different sectors of potential System Service providers namely;

  • Conventional plant
  • Wind
  • Demand Side participants
  • New entrants
  • New Technologies

Time will be allocated either to representative organisations or to individual participants where possible. Please contact Mo Cloonan mcloonan@cer.ie and Lisa McCoubrey Lisa.McCoubrey@uregni.gov.uk to register for the event and to request presentation time no later than 12.00 on Wednesday 20th April 2016.