Enhanced Generator Outage Information in SEM

Under REMIT, the new EU Regulation on wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency, market participants have a responsibility to publish "inside information".  A key example of this in SEM is generator outage plans, given that they have the potential to impact on both the spot and contracts markets.  Therefore earlier this year the Regulatory Authorities requested Eirgrid and SONI to develop an approach which would publish material generator outage plan updates in a regular, timely and transparent manner.

EirGrid and SONI then consulted with industry and discussed the issue with the Regulatory Authorities.  As a result a new enhanced outage planning publication regime recently went live on EirGrid's website.  The new approach increases the frequency of generator outage plan publications to include a weekly publication of generator outages, covering the next 16 weeks.  This should assist market participants in complying with REMIT while also improving transparency in SEM.

For access to the outage plans, please click on the link below:
