Stakeholder Forum on Electricity Network Code Developments - June 2013

The next SEM RAs/TSO Stakeholder Forum on European developments will take place in EirGrid offices in Dublin on the morning of Wednesday 12th June 2013. The agenda for the meeting is available below:


At the June Forum there will be a particular emphasis on the requirement for generators and demand connection network codes as they move to comitology later in the year. The Departments will give a short presentation on the upcoming comitology process and interested parties and representative bodies are invited to present any views they have on these codes ahead of comitology.

Those wishing to attend should register here


Please see below a link to the presentations from the FCA Public Workshop held in Brussels on 8 May

2013 Stakeholder Forum Dates

The dates for the SEM RAs/TSO Stakeholder Forum on European developments for the remainder of 2013 are set out below.

12th June (Dublin)
5th September (Belfast)
30th October (Dublin)
17th December (Belfast)

In addition, the TSOs will hold dedicated workshops on the Forwards Network Code on 17th May and on the Balancing Network Code on 1st August.