SEM-24-035 Intermediate Length Contract Decision Paper

Date published:

The SEM Regulatory Authorities are hereby reiterating to the industry that in relation to applications for Intermediate Length Contracts under the Exception Application Process for the forthcoming T-4 2028/29, the deadline remains 04 June 2024. However, the provision of supplementary information to substantiate refurbishment costs will be accepted until 18 June 2024. 

The application submission deadline of 04 June 2024 remains unchanged. For the avoidance of doubt, the information provided by this date should be final in respect of Net Going Forward Costs associated to the ILC application. There will be no extensions granted for this date. 

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to your timely submissions. 

The SEM RAs will host an MS Teams workshop on Thursday 23rd May 2024 10:00 am to cover the ILC application process, if you would like to participate, please confirm your attendance by sending us an email on and, a link to the meeting will be sent in advance to the workshop.