Capacity Market Code Modifications Working Group 23 - Timetable

Capacity Market Code Working Group 23 Modifications Timetable

The Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) is a competitive element of the Single Electricity Market designed to ensure electricity security of supply across the island of Ireland. Competitive auctions secure the necessary capacity to meet demand for delivery in a specified year.

Section B.12 of the CMC sets out the Modifications process and contains details in regards to submitting a proposal, the process of discussing proposals through Working Groups and the consultation and decisions process.

During Working Group 23, which took place on 26 January 2022, three proposals were presented.

This timetable relates to how the RAs plan to consult and make a decision relating to the following proposals:

  • CMC_01_22: New Interdependent Combined Units
  • CMC_02_22: Timely publication of FAIP
  • CMC_03_22: Transparency on Publication of Qualification Results

Today, 9 February 2022, the RAs have published the CMC modification timetable for these proposed modifications. 

As set out in the timetable the RAs intend to consult on the modifications from 11 March – 12 April 2022.