SEMO Derogation Request 2 relating to Mod_18_21 and RA Approval of SEMO Derogation Request 2

SEMO Derogation Request 2 relating to Mod_18_21 and RA Approval of SEMO Derogation Request 2

Under Section G.1.2.3 of the Trading and Settlement Code, pursuant to the implementation of Modification_18_21 (‘Temporary derogation from SEMO charges related to Mod_02_21’), the Single Electricity Market Operator (SEMO) may request from the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) a derogation with respect to its obligations under the Code regarding the invoicing of Trading Charges in specific circumstances.

The RAs received a request under Section G.1.2.3 from SEMO on 22 December 2021, which was approved on 29 December 2021. The SEM Committee are today, 12 January 2022, publishing the approval letter (SEM-22-002), alongside SEMO’s request (SEM-22-001).