Capacity Market Code Working Group 12 – CMC_04_20 and CMC_06_20 Modifications decision paper

On 22 April 2020 the RAs published the Capacity Market Code Modifications Consultation Paper (SEM-20-025) relating to the proposed modifications:

  • CMC_04_20 –  Providing greater flexibility for New Capacity to combine Candidate Units into a single Capacity Market Unit

This modification proposed an amendment to the requirements for Combining Candidate Units into a Capacity Market Unit in section E.7.6 of the CMC such that New Capacity can combine Candidate Units into a single Capacity Market Unit without being subject to the same restrictions as Existing Capacity.

  • CMC_06_20 – Combining Capacity Units into a Capacity Market Unit - Proposed Changes.

This modification proposal sought to make changes to section E.7.6 – Requirements for Combining Candidate Units into a Capacity Market Unit to allow Demand Side Units and aggregated generation units to combine candidate units into a capacity market unit.

The consultation period for this proposal ended on 22 May and today, 25 June 2020, the SEM Committee, published the decision paper, rejecting the proposed modifications.

This paper contains a summary of the comments received during the consultation, the individual responses provided to the consultation and detail of the final decision.