Capacity Market Code Working Group 12 – CMC_09_19, CMC_07_20 and CMC_08_20 Modifications Timetable

The Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) is a competitive element of the Single Electricity Market designed to ensure electricity security of supply across the island of Ireland.  Competitive auctions secure the necessary capacity to meet demand for delivery in a specified year. 

During Working Group 12, which took place on 31 March 2020, six proposals were presented. Following the conclusion of the Working Group and given a number of factors, including the large volume of modifications discussed, requirements relating to EU Regulations and the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the Regulatory Authorities have made the decision to progress these Modifications in several batches.

This timetable relates to how the RAs plan to consult and make a decision relating to the proposals CMC_09_19, CMC_07_20 and CMC_08_20 only.

These proposals relate to:

  • CMC_09_19 – Supplementary Interim Secondary Trading (Version 2)

The purpose of this modification is to implement Supplemental Interim Secondary Trading measures in the absence of a Secondary Trading platform.

  • CMC_07_20 – Change in Technology Class for Awarded New Capacity

This modification proposal aims to allow for a change in Technology Class associated with Awarded New Capacity, where such a change has been accompanied by a new or modified connection agreement that reflects the change.

  • CMC_08_20 – Change of Awarded Existing Capacity to Awarded New Capacity

This modification proposal aims to allow for the introduction of a means by which Substantial Completion can be reversed such that Existing Capacity that is not delivering is considered as Awarded New Capacity again.

Today, 16 June 2020, the RAs have published the CMC modification timetable for these proposed modifications. 

As set out in the timetable the RAs also intend to proceed to the consultation process on 19 June 2020.