Capacity Market Code Working Group 11(b) Modification Consultation Paper


 Capacity Market Code Working Group 11(b) Modification Consultation Paper

On 26th February 2020, the RAs submitted modification CMC_03_20 - Modification to the Long Stop Date for the CY2023/24 T-4 Capacity Auction to the System Operator. This proposal is supplemental to modification CMC_02_20 – Modification to the Required Timeframe for a T-4 Capacity Auction to take Place, which allowed for amendments to be made to the 2023/24 T-4 Capacity Auction Timetable.

As part of the decision paper for CMC_02_20 () the SEM Committee committed to the proposal of an Urgent Modification that would help address the comments provided by respondents in regards to changes to the Long Stop Date.

On 2nd March 2020, the RAs published the Capacity Market Code Modifications Timetable () relating to the proposed modification CMC_03_20.

As set out in this timetable, the RAs will now proceed with the consultation process.  This consultation paper provides an overview of the proposal and the feedback received during Working Group 11(b) which took place on 5th March 2020.

The SEM Committee welcomes views and responses on the proposed modification raised within this consultation paper and request responses to the consultation paper be sent to both Kevin Lenaghan ( and Billy Walker ( by no later than 17:00 on Friday, 20th March 2020.

The documents can be found here