I-SEM HLD Consultation - Acknowledgement of Responses

The Single Electricity Market Committee published a Consultation Paper (SEM-14-008) at the beginning of February on options for the Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM) High Level Design (HLD) for Ireland and Northern Ireland from 2016.

The Regulatory Authorities (RAs) received 95 responses to the I-SEM HLD consultation, however, 3 of these were marked as confidential and will therefore not be published by the RAs.  Of the total responses received, 26 responses endorsed the Irish Wind Energy Association (IWEA), 32 endorsed a response submitted by the Irish Wind Farmers' Association (IWFA).  34 other 'standalone responses were received, 2 of which supported a response by EAI.  The RAs will publish a Draft Decision paper for the favoured HLD in June 2014 (which will be subject to a further 4-week consultation) and a Final Decision paper in August 2014.