Publication of CRM Locational Capacity Constraints Decision

I-SEM CRM Locational Capacity Constraints Decision


The Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM) High Level Design includes a Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) to help ensure that sufficient generation is available to keep the lights on.  The CRM will secure the capacity required to produce electrical energy through the I-SEM via a competitive Reliability Options auction process.


The RAs today published the following decisions:


CRM Locational Capacity Constraints Decision Paper regarding the detailed methodology to determine which constraints should be included for the first transitional auction, the definition of the constrained zones and the minimum requirements in each zone. The methodology is set out in Appendix 1.


CRM amended decision on the Methodology for the Calculation of the Capacity Requirement and De‑rating Factors. The methodology is set out in Appendix 2.



    This paper is published following a consultation process (SEM-17-027) for which the TSO responses to specific areas raised following the consultation are set out in within Annex 1 of the Locational Capacity Constraints Decision paper.