Industry Presentation: Capacity Payment Mechanism

Response to Presentation Queries

On 27th July the Regulatory Authorities gave a presentation on the Capacity Payment Mechanism.  At the presentation on July 27th two questions were raised which the Regulatory Authorities agreed to consider further.  The questions concerned the availability of data used in the inframarginal rent calculation for the BNE Peaker and the ability for such a BNE to run on distallate and meet emissions requirements.  On September 13th,  the Regulatory Authorities  published a memo responding to these issues.



On the 27th July, the Regulatory Authorities held an open meeting at which they gave a presentation to explain the Capacity Payment Mechanism. The presentation was held at the offices of the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation in Belfast and was attended by 26 representatives of industry organisation and interested parties.

The slides form the presentation are below: