SEM-08-070- Notice of ESB PG PSO Auctions

Notice of ESB PG PSO Auctions

On the 11th June, ESB PG issued notification of the commencement of the auction for their PSO backed contracts in the Single Electricity Market , see link below.

As per the Information Note of the 17th April , Ireland PSO-backed contracts will be made available to the market through the NDC process by ESBPG on the following dates:

23rd June - Ireland PSO event 1
26th June - Ireland PSO event 2
1st July - Ireland PSO event 3

The reserve prices for these PSO contracts will be set on the basis of the benchmark PSO price used to determine the PSO levy for the period 1st October to 30th September 2009. This will be based on the Regulatory Authorities updated and validated PLEXOS model of the SEM using forward fuel prices before the date of publication of CER's PSO levy decision paper.

The reserve price will be published by the Commission for Energy Regulation on Wednesday, 18th June 2008.