Publication of I-SEM Consultation on Measures to Promote Liquidity in the Forward Market

I-SEM Forwards & Liquidity


The Forwards and Liquidity workstream looks at further measures that can be taken in order to increase the options for, and volume of,  trading over longer term periods.  It also looks at options for hedging the price of electricity across borders via the use of interconnectors.


The Regulatory Authorities are today, 17th June 2016, publishing a Consultation Paper on Measures to promote liquidity in the I-SEM Forward Market. Response to this Consultation Paper, including answers to questions posed, are requested from stakeholders by 29th July 2016, to be sent in electronic format to both Gonzalo Saenz at the CER at and Joe Craig in the Utility Regulator at


An open forum to present and discuss this consultation paper is planned for the 6th July 2016 in Dundalk, further details will be published soon.