On 25th November 2011 the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) published a Draft Decision paper on SEM Market Power and Liquidity. Taking on board the responses received to the Draft Decision, the RAs today (1st February 2012) publish the SEM Committee's final decision on the issue.
Market Power and Liquidity Draft Decision.pdf (PDF 486 KB ResponsesDocuments
- SEM-11-089a AES Response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089b BG Energy Response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089c Chambers Ireland response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089d Competition Authority response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089e Endesa response to SEM-10-84.pdf
- SEM-11-089f ESB Response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089g ISME response to SEM-10-084 .pdf
- SEM-11-089h Moyle response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089i NIE PPB response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089j NIEES Response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089k SEMO response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089l SFA response to SEM-10-084.PDF
- SEM-11-089m Synergen response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089n VPE response to SEM-10-084.pdf
- SEM-11-089o CEPA, ESB Partial Integration Final Report.pdf
- SEM-11-089p Airtricity response to SEM Market Power and Liquidity.pdf