Today the Regulatory Authorities are publishing a Consultation Paper SEM-24-052 relating to the proposed modifications:
The consultation period for the proposals starts on the 22 July 2024 and ends on 12 August 2024.
The paper contains a summary of the comments received during the workshop and details of the proposed modifications.
- SEM - 24 - 052 Capacity Market Code Urgent Modifications Workshop 37B Consultation
- Appendix A) SEM-24-050-Workshop 37B Timetable for publication
- Appendix Bii) CMC_11_24ImplementationofEarlyDeliveryIncentivesaccordingtoSEMCDecisionPaperSEM-24-037V2
- Appendix Bi) CMC_10_24IntroductionofIntermediateLengthContractsV2
- Appendix C Workshop 37B Response Template