TSOs proposed report under Article 13(4) of Regulation 2019/943

TSOs proposed report under Article 13(4) of Regulation 2019/943

This consultation paper accompanies the proposed report (‘the Report’) submitted by Eirgrid and SONI (TSOs) to UR and CRU (RAs) as pertaining to annual reporting by the Transmission System Operators to the Regulatory Authorities on redispatching and associated mechanisms and mitigations under Article 13(4) of Regulation 2019/943.

The report covers the calendar year 2023 and the focus is on renewables which are subject to non-market based redispatch for constraint and curtailment. The report also highlights the measures being taken by SONI & EirGrid TSOs to minimise redispatch, the level of development and effectiveness of market-based redispatching mechanisms.

The RAs consider it appropriate to seek industry views on the TSOs’ proposed approach in order to inform any further refinement that may be necessary. Interested stakeholder’s views on the report proposed by the TSOs are invited until 8 October 2024 and should be submitted to schhetri@cru.ie and chris.goodman@uregni.gov.uk.