TSOs’ proposed definitions of Curtailment, Constraint and Energy Balancing
This consultation paper outlines Eirgrid and SONI’s (TSOs’) proposal for changes to SEM-13-011 (i.e. SEM 13-010 (ii), the annex to SEM-13-10, definition of Curtailment, Constraint Energy Balancing for Non-Synchronous Renewable Units).
The updates to SEM-13-011 aim to address the SEM Committee (SEM-21-027) request that the TSOs submit a revised ruleset to SEM-13-011 to reflect the changes which have occurred in the market to date, and in particular, changes to integrate non-priority dispatch renewables into existing processes. As outlined in SEM-21-027, the terminology used within the TSOs’ ruleset for distinguishing between curtailment, constraint and energy balancing may require some updates for ‘new renewable units’ and existing priority dispatch unit.
The RAs have engaged with the TSOs on this proposal and there has been a period of questions and answers where some changes were made. The RAs now invite industry comments on the TSOs’ proposal.
Interested stakeholder’s views on the definitions and steps described by the TSOs, are invited until 26 July 2024 based on the market rules.