Trading and Settlement Code 2019 Market Audit Agreed Upon Procedures (SEM-19-067 (Revised)) Information Paper Version 1.1

The SEM Committee is today publishing a revised Information Paper on the Agreed Upon Procedures for the 2019 Trading and Settlement Code Market Audit

In September (following a consultation) the SEM Committee published a Decision Paper on the Terms of Refence for the Market Audit 2019 (). This paper outlined the reporting approach that will be implemented in the 2019 Market Audit, namely ISRS4400 Agreed Upon Procedures.

Reporting under ISRS4400 Agreed Upon Procedures requires the development of a specific list of Agreed Upon Procedures to audit. The SEM Committee worked with the Auditors to develop a specific list of Agreed Upon Procedures that form the basis of the Trading and Settlement Code Market Audit. This was and was published 28/11/19.

The Agreed Upon Procedures for the 2019 Trading and Settlement Code Market Audit have since been updated to form this 1.1 version. The Agreed Upon Procedures were updated for the following reasons:

  • A number of placeholders were purposely left in the original publication to be updated once the audit had begun;
  • A number of references to market releases/fixes needed to be updated; and
  • During the audit a number of sample sizes were expanded from that originally planned.