Stakeholder Forum on Electricity Network Code Developments January 2013 - Invitation

The SEM Regulatory Authorities (CER and UR) in their role as members of ACER and Eirgrid/SONI as members of ENTSOE would like to invite interested stakeholders to a forum to discuss the latest developments in Framework Guidelines and Network Codes which are being progressed as part of the EUs Third Package legislation to facilitate the completion of an internal market in electricity. ACER is responsible for the Framework Guidlines (FG) drafting while ENTSOE is tasked with drafting the Network Codes in line with the Framework Guidelines. ACER then reviews the draft Network Codes to ensure consistency with the FGs and pass to the European Commission (EC) for adoption through the comitology process. All finalised Network Code provisions will become legally binding on all Member States. There are currently nine Network Codes under development which relate to the operation and development of the electricity system, grid connection and the rules governing the operation of wholesale electricity markets such as SEM. Additional background information can be found on the ACER and ENTSOE websites. The codes and guidelines are presently at different stages of development and the objective of these fora is to facilitate engagement with stakeholders in SEM on potential issues which could be raised as part of ACER/ENTSOE level discussions.

The first forum shall take place on Thursday 17th January 2013 at EirGrid offices, The Oval, Ballsbridge, Dublin 2, with lunch provided at 12:30 followed by a workshop to overview all Network Codes, finishing at 16:30. The fora will be chaired jointly by the SEM RAs and EirGrid/SONI (alternatively "the TSO's") and are expected to occur on a bi monthly basis henceforth. The location of the fora will rotate between Belfast and Dublin. Those interested in attending should contact in advance. In addition, information relating to certain Network Codes development such as the forwards capacity allocation code will be published for consideration by participants in advance of the forum to facilitate better two way discussion on the day. If you are interested in presenting your initial views at the first forum please inform us when you respond to This fora represents an opportunity for all interested  parties to influence developments at a European level which will have major implications for the All Island electricity market.