SEMOpx Price Control Decision Paper


SEMOpx Price Control Decision Paper

The SEM Committee has today, 11 March 2020, published a Decision Paper outlining the ex-ante allowed revenue for SEMOpx between October 2019 and October 2022. This follows a Consultation on the ex-ante allowance for SEMOpx (SEM-19-063). Two responses were received to the Consultation and are published with this Decision Paper.

SEMOpx provides day-ahead and intraday electricity market trading as part of the Single Electricity Market.

For the purpose of the 2019/2020 tariff year, the current SEMOpx charges as published on the SEMOpx website will be applied by SEMOpx (in other words, this decision will not change the tariffs for the current year (2019/2020).

The documents can be found here