SEMO 2018-2021 Capital Expenditure - Consultation


SEMO 2018-2021 Capital Expenditure - Consultation

The Regulatory Authorities today, 30 November 2020, publish a consultation paper on the proposed SEMO 2018-2021 Capital Expenditure allowance.

This consultation covers the period from when the revised SEM arrangements went live (1 October 2018) to 30 September 2021. Due to the uncertainty with forecasting capex in advance of SEM Go-Live, SEMO was at the time unable to include proposals for predictable business capex for the 2018-2021 period.

The SEM Committee () outlined principles to apply to the SEMO capex during the 2018-2021 period, including the expenditure during this period being subject to a final outturn review and efficiency review.

The SEM Committee welcomes views and responses on the proposed allowances and requests that answers be sent to Karen Shiels ( and Conall Heussaff ( by 17.00 on Friday the 8th of January, 2021.

A decision is expected to be published in February 2021 and will inform the tariff process which takes place summer 2021.