SEM-25-009 Invite to Industry Forum hosted by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities, Utility Regulator, EirGrid and SONI: Future SEM Multi-Year Markets Plan

Invite to Industry Forum hosted by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities, Utility Regulator, EirGrid and SONI: Future SEM Multi-Year Markets Plan

The Utility Regulator, Commission for Regulation of Utilities, SONI and EirGrid are hosting an in-person Industry Forum at the Gateway Hotel in Dundalk on Friday 11 April 2025, commencing at 10 a.m. (registration from 9.30 a.m.) and concluding at 1 p.m. Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided.

There is a large amount of change currently taking place in respect of electricity markets, with further developments expected in the future, largely driven by EU requirements. 

During the event, an overview of potential future markets-related workstreams which have been identified to develop over the coming years will be presented to attendees. This is being referred to as a ‘SEM Multi-Year Markets Plan’; it will add to the work already underway on the Scheduling & Dispatch, Future Arrangements for System Services and Strategic Markets Programmes.  

The event will provide the opportunity for market participants at a technical senior-/ director-level across the electricity industry to engage with the Regulatory Authority, EirGrid and SONI representatives about the scope of potential future work presented. This includes consideration of need, scale, complexity/risks and indicative timeframes. The event will be interactive and will aim to gather valuable feedback to determine the extent of works/associated timelines to proceed with.

If you would like to attend the event, please confirm your attendance with the SEM Committee’s Programme Management Office for All-Island Programmes ( by Monday 31 March at 12 p.m.

If you have any allergies or dietary preferences, please let us know.

Please note that places are limited to two attendees per business group.