SEM-11-086 Treatment of price Taking Generation in Tie Breaks in Dispatch in the Single Electricity Market and Associated Issues: Clarification note


Treatment of Price Taking Generation in Tie-Breaks in Dispatch in the Single Electricity Market and Associated Issues: Clarification Note.

On 26th August the SEM Committee published a consultation paper (SEM-11-063) regarding the treatment of price taking generation in tie breaks in dispatch in the Single Electricity Market (SEM) and Associated Issues. The paper was published in the context of the parallel publication of a decision paper regarding principles of dispatch and the design of the Market Schedule in the Trading and Settlement Code (SEM-11-062).

The SEM Committee has now published a short clarification note to accompany this paper.

The Consultation period has also been extended until 5.30pm on Friday 14th October 2011.

For respondents who have already forwarded their response to the RAs, the opportunity is allowed for these respondents to re-submit to take account of the information provided in this clarification note.