On 16th December the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) published, for consultation, a CEPA report on market power and liquidity, along with an RA cover paper on the matter (see below).
To explain the CEPA paper and discuss industry views, the RAs stated that they will host a public workshop in the CER office on 18th January 2011, from 10am to 12:30pm (see also below).
The workshop will include a presentation from ESB, in the context of their integration proposal. We are proposing that it also includes a presentation from other stakeholders interested in market power and liquidity, for example a generator or a supplier who has views and recommendations to make on this matter. We request that any stakeholder who is interested in presenting at the event contact James Curtin (jcurtin@cer.ie) by no later than Thursday 6th January. Subsequently the RAs will decide which stakeholders who have expressed an interest in presenting may do so. We will also issue a formal agenda to all parties who have registered interest in attending the event.
The Regulatory Authorities (RAs) have committed to reviewing Market Power and Contract Liquidity in the SEM. As part of this review, Last August the RAs published a "State of the Nation" Information Paper (SEM-10-057) to inform market participants of this project and to provide information on SEM market power and liquidity to date.
Now, having taken on board the comments received to the RAs’ "State of the Nation" paper, the RAs’ publish a report on market power and liquidity from their independent consultants, CEPA, along with an RA cover paper on the matter.
Please send any comments on this issue to Andrew Ebrill (aebrill@cer.ie) and Paul Bell (Paul.Bell@uregni.gov.uk) by 5pm on Monday 31st January 2011.
To explain the CEPA paper and discuss industry views, the RAs will host a public workshop in the CER office on 18th January 2011, from 10am to 12:30pm. Anyone wishing to attend the workshop should contact James Curtin (jcurtin@cer.ie) as soon as possible, as places will be limited.