SEM-09-018 Harmonised Locational Charges Questionnaire

All-Island Transmission Use of System Charging and Loss Factor Participant Questionnaire

In the January 2009 response paper SEM-09-001 covering All-Island Transmission Use of System Charging & Loss Factors, the Regulatory Authorities announced that the Transmission System Operators would commence a review of the options and methodologies for deriving harmonised all-island locational charges. As part of this review, the System Operators have prepared a questionnaire in order to ascertain more information from participants regarding their positions with regard to locational regimes for All-Island Transmission Use of System Charges and Loss Factors.

The questionnaire is split into three separate sections

1. Generator Transmission Use of System Tariffs (GTUoS)

2. Demand/ Supplier Transmission Use of System Tariffs (STUoS)

3. Transmission Loss Adjustment Factors (TLAFs)

The System Operators request that participants complete the on-line questionnaire. They will use this feedback in the process of reviewing the options and methodologies for deriving harmonised all-island transmission charges and TLAFs.

For reference, a PDF version of the Questionnaire can be downloaded at the link below