SEM-09-003 Harmonised All-Island Implementation Arrangements for Ancillary Services and other Payments and Charges

Harmonised All-Island Implementation Arrangements for Ancillary Services and Other Payments and Charges: Decision Paper

Ancillary Services payments and charges are paid/levied outside the main all-island Single Electricity Market (SEM) by the Transmission System Operators , EirGrid in Ireland and SONI in Northern Ireland. These are for services necessary for the secure operation and restoration of the electricity system, such as the provision by generators of operating reserve and reactive power.

This decision paper presents teh SEM Committee's decisions on the implementation arrangements for harmonised all-island Ancillary Services, other related payments/charges and generator performance incentives that will be applicable from 1st October 2009.

This follows the consulation "Harmonised Ancillary Services, Other System Payments and System Charges " (September 2008). An outline of the next steps in the development of harmonised all-island Ancillary Services is also included in this decision.

For further information contact John Lynch ( and Sarah Friedel (

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