SEM-08-062 - SEM Plexos Validation 2008

The following report details the Plexos model and data validation carried out by NERA economic consultants for the period 2008 - 2009.

Validated PLEXOS Market Simulation Data and Model 2008/09

On 25th April 2008 the Regulatory Authorities published the validated SEM PLEXOS input files.

The following data comes from the validation exercise carried out by NERA for the tariff and contracting year 2008/09. The data includes the PLEXOS MS Access database with the validated generator technical data and model settings. For those without access to PLEXOS, an MS Excel spreadsheet is also published, containing the same technical data. Intersted parties should note that there are no variable operating and maintenance costs in these databases. Parties should add estimates of their own as they see fit. The zipped file also contains comma separated value(CSV) wind generation files, an all-island demand file and a GB demand file. The latter is included so that flows across the Moyle interconnector can be modelled. Finally, the database includes an MS Excel spreadsheet showing how fuel price input data in a PLEXOS format can be derived from the indices the Regulatory Authorities used in the pricing of Directed Contracts. Interested parties should also note that the data are half hourly and the PLEXOS model is set up to run half hourly.

For further information please contact James Curtin (