The SEM Committee has today, 19 July 2023, published a consultation paper on the SEM Scheduling and Dispatch Parameters for 2024. Under Condition 10A of EirGrid’s Transmission System Operator (TSO) Licence, and Condition 22A of SONI’s Transmission System Operator Licence, the System Operator (SO) is required to report to the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) proposing values for parameters to be applied in the Scheduling and Dispatch process. In June 2023 the RAs requested the TSOs to review the following parameters utilised in Scheduling and Dispatch: 1. Long Notice Adjustment Factor (LNAF) 2. System Imbalance Flattening Factor (SIFF) On 6 July 2023, the RAs received a report (SEM-23-052a) from the TSOs outlining their recommendations for the proposed values for the above parameters. The purpose of this consultation paper is to invite comments on the TSOs’ proposals as summarised in this paper and detailed within the TSOs’ report, which is published alongside this paper. All comments should be received by close of business on 16 August 2023. |