Publication of I-SEM CRM Capacity Market Code Decision

I-SEM CRM Capacity Market Code Decision Paper

The Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM) High Level Design includes a Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) to help ensure that sufficient generation is available to keep the lights on.  The CRM will secure the capacity required to produce electrical energy through the I-SEM via a competitive auction process.

The SEM Committee is today, 2 June 2017, publishing a paper setting out its decisions on a range of areas which were raised in the consultation paper and in respondents’ comments.  Along with the decision paper, the SEM Committee is also publishing the Capacity Market Code including Agreed Procedures.  The Capacity Market Code is published as a ‘clean’ version together with a version highlighting the changes made since the January 2017 consultation (SEM-17-004).






This consultation closed on 24th February 2017 and 21 responses were received. These responses, including public versions of confiential responses, are published below:


The CRM Capacity Market Code decision is expected to be published in June 2017


The Regulatory Authorities today, 12 January 2017, publish the CRM Capacity Market Code for consultation.

The I-SEM CRM detailed design decisions have to be transitioned into a set of detailed rules and form the basis of the draft Capacity Market Code (CMC) now being consulted upon.  This draft has been developed within the I-SEM Rules Working Group (RWG) lead by the TSOs.

For your convenience and to assist us when reviewing responses a response template is provided and we would greatly appreciate respondents using the template provided.

Responses to the consultation paper should be sent to both Thomas Quinn ( and Karen Shiels ( by 17:00 on Friday 24th February 2017.