Proposed Decision on Treatment of New Renewable Units in the SEM


Proposed Decision on Treatment of New Renewable Units in the SEM

The SEM Committee has today, 23 April 2021, published a Proposed Decision Paper concerning the treatment of new renewable units in the SEM, considering the feedback received to SEM-20-028. The paper includes a number of minded to positions and principles in order to facilitate new renewable units without priority dispatch to take part in the market like any other unit in line with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/943.

The minded to positions and principles are in the following areas;

  1. The treatment of units in scheduling and dispatch which would, prior to Regulation 2019/943, have been eligible for priority dispatch and the information participants will be required to submit as part of this process. This includes units which are categorised today as dispatchable, non-dispatchable but controllable and non-dispatchable non-controllable.
  2. The principles for development of systems to accommodate these arrangements, with a proposal for the detailed design to be progressed by the TSOs and SEMO through at least one industry workshop and a submission to the RAs for approval leading to design and implementation. This should include timelines for implementation.
  3. The treatment of such units in the balancing market and in relation to constraints and curtailment, including the RAs’ preferred approach of continued pro-rata application of curtailment across all non-synchronous units.
  4. The treatment of bids and offers for such units.
  5. Proposals concerning timelines for implementation of these arrangements and any interim measures which can be considered to facilitate these changes.

Feedback on these proposals is invited from interested stakeholders, considering the context of the Consultation, SEM-21-026, which has been published along with this paper.

Once a final decision on these principles is made by the SEM Committee, a proposal for the design of a solution will be progressed by the TSOs and SEMO leading to design and implementation as soon as possible, noting the complexity that will be involved in this process.