The SEM Committee today (August 26th , 2011) publishes a decison paper regarding principles of dispatch and the design of the Market Schedule in the Trading and Settlement Code. This paper is published subsequent to a consultation paper (SEM-09-073) and a proposed position Paper (SEM-10-060).
- SEM-10-060 Final Proposed Decision Dispatch
- SEM-10-060a Aughinish Response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060a1 Kate McCarthy response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060b Bord Na Mona response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060b1Enercomm response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060c Indaver response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060c1 Airtricity response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060d Tynagh response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060d1 Gaelectric response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060e RES response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060e1 NIE PPB response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060f IWEA response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060g IWEA Legal letter response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060h IWEA Poyry response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060i ESBI response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060j Viridian response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060k EirGrid response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060l ESBPG response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060m Meitheal Na Gaoithe response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060n Dublin Waste to Energy response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060o BWEA response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060p Endesa Ireland response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060q NOW Ireland response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060r ART response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060s BGE response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060t ESBCS response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060u SWS response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060v Synergen response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060w AES response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060x Tom Ryan response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060y NIE response to SEM-09-073
- SEM-10-060z John Kingston response to SEM-09-073