Imperfections Charges October 2024 – September 2025 Consultation Paper

Imperfections Charges October 2024 – September 2025 Consultation Paper

Today, 1st July 2024, the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) are publishing a Consultation Paper on the Transmission System Operators (i.e. EirGrid & SONI) ‘Imperfections Charges Forecast Tariff Year 2024/25’ (i.e., 01/10/2024 to 30/9/2025), prior to issuing its final decision on the Tariff Year 2024/25 Imperfections Charge.

The RAs invite stakeholders’ views on any aspect of the content of the accompanying TSOs’ submission. In particular, the RAs seek views on whether the TSO’s forecasts of costs and assumptions for Tariff Year 2024/25 are reasonable, the new PLEXOS modelling approach, and forecast costs and if there are actions the TSOs could take to minimize the Imperfection Charge.

The purpose of the Constraints (Imperfections) Charge is for the TSOs to recover the total expected costs associated with managing the transmission system. SEMO levies the Constraints (Imperfections) Charge on suppliers. The Charge is made up of a number of components, the largest of which relates to Dispatch Balancing Costs (DBC).    

In their submission, the TSOs forecast an Imperfections allowance of €592.02 million for the Tariff Year 2024/25, compared to the €448.81 million allowed by the RAs for Tariff Year 2023/24.

Responses to this paper should be forwarded to the Market Modelling Group ( and Mary Farrelly ( by close of business on 19th July 2024.

Following consideration of responses received and further review of the TSOs’ submission, the RAs intend publishing a decision in early September 2024.