I-SEM CRM Capacity Requirement and De-rating Methodology Consultation Paper

The Regulatory Authorities today, 23rd August 2016, publish a CRM Consultation Paper regarding proposed capacity requirement and de-rating methodologies.

This consultation follows on from the CRM decisions to date.  The papers attach focus on the design of the methodology to determine the capacity requirement and the de-rating factors to be applied to capacity providing units.  In response to stakeholder comments during previous CRM consultations the SEM Committee decided that the Regulatory Authorities should develop a methodology to determine the de-rating factors to be applied to interconnectors. 

This consultation consists of three papers as follows:

1)      Consultation paper – high level overview and tolerance bands

2)      Appendix 1 – TSO capacity requirement and de-rating methodology

3)      Appendix 2 – RAs interconnector de-rating methodology prepared by ESP Consulting

Responses to the consultation paper should be sent to Karen Shiels (Karen.Shiels@uregni.gov.uk) and Thomas Quinn (tquinn@cer.ie) by 17:00 on Wednesday 5th October 2016.
