I-SEM Capacity Remuneration Mechanism Detailed Design third consultation paper

The Regulatory Authorities today, 11th March 2016, publish the third consultation paper on the I-SEM Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) Detailed Design.

This Consultation follows on from the Decision 1 Paper (SEM-15-103) and Consultation 2 Paper (SEM-15-014) on I-SEM CRM and focuses on the overall auction design. This includes the overall framework, auction frequency and volumes, market power and mitigation measures, auction parameters and auction governance, roles and responsibilities. Further consideration is also given to the strike price and socialisation of Reliability Option difference payments.

A stakeholder forum on this third consultation is planned for Wednesday 16th March in the Crowne Plaza Dundalk. Times and agenda will be available on the All Island Project website. Please indicate your intention to attend this stakeholder forum with Lisa McCoubrey at lisa.mccoubrey@uregni.gov.uk

Responses to the consultation paper should be sent to Karen Shiels (Karen.Shiels@uregni.gov.uk) and Thomas Quinn (tquinn@cer.ie) by 17:00 on Wednesday 27th April 2016.