Harmonised Ancilliary Service Arrangements and the Bidding Code of Practice


The Market Monitoring Unit (MMU) has been alerted to an overlap in the new Harmonised Ancillary Services (HAS) which went 'live' on 1 February 2010 and the generator Bidding Code of Practice (BCOP). This overlap has been explored by a  number of participants who have sought clarification from the Unit regarding the interpretation of the BCOP in relation to certain elements of HAS revenue.

A Consultation Paper (SEM-10-075 Consultation Paper on Harmonised Ancillary Service Arrangements and the Bidding Code of Practice) was published in December 2010 seeking views from interested parties.

Having considered the issues the SEM Committee has decided to pursue its preferred option(Option 2). When submitting Commercial Offer Data, generators, or parties acting on their behalf, must not deduct or refer to Ancillary Service benefits.

Further details are available in this decision paper.