Data used in Simple NIV tagging analysis in SEM-19-024

Data used in Simple NIV tagging analysis in SEM-19-024

Further to industry requests the SEM Committee has today, 07 June 2019, published the data used in consultation paper SEM-19-024 (Balancing Market and Capacity Market Options Consultation Paper).

The data was provided by SEMO and represents a set of prices calculated outside of the Imbalance Pricing system specifically for the purposes of considering variants of the Imbalance Pricing methodology. The data should not be used for any purpose other than the consideration of the questions set out in the consultation paper, SEM-19-024.

The prices are based on historical input data for each Imbalance Pricing Period since Go-Live using the rules that apply for Imbalance Pricing and, in the case of the Simple NIV Tagging option, with the flagging calculation turned off. The calculated prices do not represent real prices as they do not include the response of the market to the changed prices, which may result in changes to ex-ante trading behaviour, balancing market offer data, physical notifications, scheduling, dispatch and physical delivery, all of which would affect the Imbalance Pricing outcomes.

The document can be found here