Consultation on Terms of Reference for Panel of Technical Experts in the SEM

As a part of the review of the performance of the SEM CRM (SEM-22-054), the consultants assessed the design of the CRM and recommended measures that could be implemented to improve the performance of the CRM. One of the recommendations made in the Report was to ensure “greater transparency of target setting through a panel of technical experts (PTE) assessment of EirGrid recommendations, with findings published, and explanation of process by which TSO forecasts are translated to Target Volume to procure in capacity auctions”.

Based on the consultation responses, the SEM Committee decided to establish a PTE to review the TSO recommended Target Volume, including locational capacity constraints, and to increase the transparency in the SEM Committee volume-setting process. 

The SEM Committee welcomes the views of stakeholders on the proposed Terms of Reference for the PTE in the SEM set out in this document by 21 August 2024.