Consultation on SEM-GB Cross Border Trading Arrangements

Consultation on SEM-GB Cross Border Trading Arrangements

The SEM Committee is today, 28 Feb 2022, publishing a Consultation Paper on the current trading arrangement for cross border trading between the Single Electricity Market and Great Britain.

To inform this consultation process, this paper presents analysis carried out by the SEM RAs of prices and volumes traded in the SEM and GB across the coupled and decoupled markets before and since 1 Jan 2021. This initial assessment of the impacts of the current arrangements for allocation of cross border capacity between the SEM and GB consisted of:

  • Analysis of market arrangements and price arbitrage between the SEM and GB across the Day Ahead and Intraday timeframes pre and post 1 Jan 2021.
  • Price Modelling Exercise;

This paper also presents an overview of other relevant models for allocation of Interconnection capacity and concludes with a set of consultation questions.

Responses are invited to the consultation questions set out in Section 5.1 and should be sent, in electronic form, to and,  by 28/03/2022.