Capacity Market Code Modifications Working Group 30 Consultation Paper

Capacity Market Code Modifications - Working Group 30 Consultation Paper

On 6 April 2023, the RAs published the Capacity Market Code Modifications Timetable (SEM-23-031) relating to the proposed modifications:

  • CMC_04_23: Introduction of Remedial Action for Unforeseeable Delays Due to Extraordinary Supply Chain Impacts
  • CMC_05_23: Resolving Inconsistency in Definition of Existing Capacity Arising from CMC_11_22
  • CMC_06_23: Outstanding Aspects of the Implementation of ARHL De-Rating Factors
  • CMC_07_23: Special Application of ISTA
  • CMC_08_23: Typographical Correction Capacity Aggregation Threshold [CMC_08_23 is deemed ‘housekeeping’ and will therefore not be consulted upon as agreed at WG30]
  • CMC_09_23: Removal of Section J.6.1.6 of the Capacity Market Code

As set out in the timetable, the RAs will now proceed with the consultation process. This consultation paper provides an overview of the proposals and the feedback received during Working Group 30 which took place on 29 March 2023.

The SEM Committee welcomes views and responses on the proposed modifications raised within this consultation paper and request responses to the consultation paper be sent to both the CRU and UR CRM Submissions inboxes ( and by no later than 17:00 on Wednesday 31 May 2023.

Please note that late submissions will not be accepted.