Capacity Market Code Modifications – Working Group 11 Decision Paper


Capacity Market Code Modifications – Working Group 11 Decision Paper

On the 28th January 2020, the RAs published the Capacity Market Code Modifications Consultation Paper (SEM-20-005) in regards to the proposed modification:

  • CMC_02_20 – Modification to the Required Timeframe for a T-4 Capacity Auction to take Place.

This modification proposed amending the CMC to allow the RAs to review and approve changes to the required timeframe for the upcoming T-4 2023/24 Capacity Auction.

The consultation period for this proposal ended on 3 February 2020.

The SEM Committee has today, 12 February 2020, published the Capacity Market Code Modifications Working Group 11 Decision Paper, approving the modification as proposed.  The revised timetable will defer the running of the auction but will not change thee delivery period for the capacity secured.

This paper contains a summary of the comments received during the consultation, the individual responses provided to the consultation and detail of the final decision.

The documents can be found here