On 30 November 2023, the SEM Committee published its decision to implement the two CMC Modifications set out in SEM-23-080, to deliver a more cohesive overall approach to managing risks associated with delivering multi-year New Capacity SEM-23-101.
The SEM Committee is today, 21 December 2023, publishing the legal drafting to implement the two CMC Modifications and confirming its decision on the following CMC Modification Proposals:
CMC_01_23: Amendment to Substantial Completion Drafting
CMC_04_23: Introduction of remedial action for unforeseeable delays due to extraordinary supply chain impacts
CMC_09_23: Removal of Section J.6.1.6 of the Capacity Market Code
CMC_10_23: Mitigation of Impact on Participants relating to 3rd Party Gas Connection delays
CMC_16_23: Extension to New Capacity Impacted by Indexation
CMC_23_23: Mitigation of Impact on Participants relating to System Operator Grid Connection delays
The SEM Committee has decided to make two modifications that are materially different from those proposed, and in doing so has modified and combined the CMC Modification Proposals listed above with the legal drafting included in this paper.
Please see the publications section of our website for full details.