All-Island Generator TUoS Consultation Indicatives 2011/2012

The RAs publish today, 3rd June, a consultation paper  (SEM-11-036) which contains indicative all-island Generator TUoS tariffs for the upcoming tariff period 1st October 2011 to 30th September 2011.

Comment is also requested on the accompanying Generator TUoS methodology statement developed by the TSOs (SEM-11-037), which details the steps taken by the TSOs in calculating these indicative tariffs.

The RAs and TSOs will also hold a joint workshop on these indicative Generator TUoS tariffs on Wednesday 22 June 2011 in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk starting at 10am.

Stakeholders are asked to both submit their questions on the proposed tariffs/methodology and to register their interest in attending with Mark Needham ( in EirGrid and Helen Magorrian ( in SONI by Wednesday 15th June.

To view these papers, please click on the below: